In Family Links, interlocking segments of color represent the intrinsic connections between members of a family. This painting features vibrant colors, including pink, coral, periwinkle, blue, green, gray, brown, orange, and yellow. The many individual and unique shades used in this piece represent the individuality of the family members. Though they are a part of a larger entity, members of a family maintain autonomy and individuality. This wide range of colors represents the diverse types of people that can be found in a single family.
Yet the segments of color have an interlocking appearance. The interlocking shape of these color patches reveals the interconnectivity of the family and its members. Each color block has a unique shape that interlocks perfectly with its neighboring block. The segments are unique complements to each other, and one segment completes another, the edges lining up to make them both whole. Family Links is an intriguing look at family dynamics and the important balance between the individual’s desire to be independent and to be a part of a larger societal group.
©1998-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb. All Rights Reserved
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