Digging to uncover your truth
Desperate lives depend on value
Taking the nested fields upon my chest
Deliver thy soul
Greatness isn’t manifested here
Obligated by tradition
Challenged by suspicion
Follow the path downward
Climb out of the bowel
Rise above the mystery of life
Careful to set aside trees
Strip away the shame
©1998-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb. All Rights Reserved
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Claws - Art

In Claws, the shape of a claw emerges from a stark, white background, creating an image that is both menacing and captivating. The landscape of this painting is bare, focusing the viewer’s attention on the image of the claw itself. A powerful arm reaches across the painting, its hand curled into a threatening claw. A dewclaw is visible on the arm, suggesting a mammal of some kind, perhaps a large, physically powerful species of cat.
Yet the claw has only one digit with even the suggestion of a sharp nail. The rest of the claw appears smooth and non-threatening. Perhaps this animal has been stripped of its power to a certain degree, whether by deteriorating environmental conditions, extensive and abusive hunting, or disease. Left with only one remaining claw, the animal still continues to fight for its survival, its claw maintaining a poised position, ready to strike at any moment.
©1998-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Black Death - Poem
Black Death
Captured and caged
Stripped of dignity and pride
Walking onward with no permanent destination
Honesty exposed from the breast
Lifting up begins at the bottom
Retrieval hindered by years of hate
Retreat at your own peril
Killing oneself is not suicide
It is genocide
The anecdote
©1998-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb. All Rights Reserved
Captured and caged
Stripped of dignity and pride
Walking onward with no permanent destination
Honesty exposed from the breast
Lifting up begins at the bottom
Retrieval hindered by years of hate
Retreat at your own peril
Killing oneself is not suicide
It is genocide
The anecdote
©1998-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb. All Rights Reserved
Black Death - Art

In this painting, the juxtaposition of the very warm colors of yellow and red with the cold finality of black calls up a primal connection in the mind and triggers many thoughts in the mind of the viewer. This painting makes one think of the sun, burning hot against the darkness of space, or a blazing sunset meeting the encroaching night. It might also make one think of a burning fire and its charred black remains.
Black, a color typically associated with death, is very provocatively paired in this painting with yellow and red, colors representing light and heat. This contrast between heat and energy and the cold darkness of death triggers a visceral human reaction upon viewing this painting. Immediately, the painting triggers feelings of fear, yet the viewer is also fascinated. The struggle to understand the source of life and energy and how it can so easily be extinguished is a universal feature of the human existence.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sea Flower - Poem
deep to in the bowel of the sea
I lay resting beside your soul
It’s not moving now
Sleeping deeply
Consequences on the rim of that ocean
Unlikely to be a formidable opponent
The sunlight shines through you
Yet you are not surprised
Calmly walk to the edge
Come toward me again
I won’t be around that molten
I’m here now
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
I lay resting beside your soul
It’s not moving now
Sleeping deeply
Consequences on the rim of that ocean
Unlikely to be a formidable opponent
The sunlight shines through you
Yet you are not surprised
Calmly walk to the edge
Come toward me again
I won’t be around that molten
I’m here now
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Sea Flower - Art

Sea Flower portrays in vibrant colors the image of a flower in full bloom. The flower dominates the painting, though the deep reddish hue of the background also draws the viewer’s attention. The flower, floating in its strange, dark sea, is visually compelling. The painting creates an eerily tranquil mood, as though the viewer is taking a closer look at the flora in some dreamy new world, where the water is dark and strange, yet there is beauty floating on the surface. The painting creates a strong mood and a lasting impression.
The artist’s choice of color for the flower is also worth noting. The flower’s colors are not naturalistic; rather they are as unusual as the colors of the flower’s surroundings. The green streaks on the flower’s petals and the green center are unusual and again evoke the strange landscape of the painting. Yet, the ivory and pink petals are familiar and comforting, connecting the world of the painting with the natural world of the viewer.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sharp Love - Poem
cutting like a knife, something hurts here
it's your voice....the noise
I exercise the strength not to respond
no response is required
though your feelings are optimal
you don't hurt like me
you are not me
you don't feel
the joy of everyday things escape you
bound by endless thoughts
I leave you to send this message
I don't love you anymore.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
it's your voice....the noise
I exercise the strength not to respond
no response is required
though your feelings are optimal
you don't hurt like me
you are not me
you don't feel
the joy of everyday things escape you
bound by endless thoughts
I leave you to send this message
I don't love you anymore.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Sharp Love - Art

Drawing upon existing cultural associations, Sharp Love is a painting that observes the nature of human love. Upon first viewing of the painting, one immediately thinks of the mythological being Cupid, spreading love to mortals with his magic arrows. This painting draws upon that image, portraying a large arrow poised to pierce a heart. Yet there is more to this painting than simply a heart being affected by romantic love. This painting makes an assertion about the nature of human love.
The arrow is extremely oversized compared to the heart, which suggests that love can be overpowering. Love can be overwhelming to some people, eclipses all other concerns. Sharp Love’s heart and arrows are painted in both red and blue. Red, which is typically considered a red color, and blue, which is typically associated with masculinity, both appear in the heart and the arrow. This indicates that both male and female have the opportunity to assume either role, the pursuer or the object, the heart or the arrow.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Valley Range - Poem
Deep understanding of your voice
sometimes makes me wonder
when the surface is not tangible
look to the stars
let your guard down and walk with me
the guide is up there
sorrow is down here
not getting it?
life goes through leaps
lifetimes cram for silence
you hear nothing
walk with me
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
sometimes makes me wonder
when the surface is not tangible
look to the stars
let your guard down and walk with me
the guide is up there
sorrow is down here
not getting it?
life goes through leaps
lifetimes cram for silence
you hear nothing
walk with me
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Valley Range - Art

In Valley Range, the beauty and majesty of a mountain range is captured in a monochromatic piece with strong, uncomplicated lines. The solid, dark circles have an imposing presence in the painting, and they represent the strength and majesty of ancient mountains. These circles comprise the mountain range alluded to in the painting’s title. The titular valley is finds shape in the gray-shaded figure at the center of the piece.
The depiction of the mountain range and its accompanying valley in Valley Range is modernistic and abstract, rather than a naturalistic depiction of a mountain valley’s true appearance. By creating an abstract, non-figurative picture of the mountains and valley, the essential nature the valley is captured, rather than simply portraying its physical attributes. The power of the mountains is evoked by the dense color saturation of the circles. By giving them a more compact appearance than a naturalistic image of the mountain, the artist imbues these circles with the sense of compressed energy and power. The valley, by contrast, is calm, its energy diffuse and airy as the light color saturation of its image. The valley is a peaceful place, set in the midst of the power and majesty of the mountains.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Trois Ghost - Poem
Empathy. Sacrifice. Love.
You beckon that you need me
Your passions precede your actions
In deed we try our best to move forward
In doubt, you run away
Scared of time
Endless anger keeps you full
Afraid of the future
Perhaps a pause in the right direction
Doubt….more doubt
Live with consequences – empathy, sacrifice
Die with dignity – love.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
You beckon that you need me
Your passions precede your actions
In deed we try our best to move forward
In doubt, you run away
Scared of time
Endless anger keeps you full
Afraid of the future
Perhaps a pause in the right direction
Doubt….more doubt
Live with consequences – empathy, sacrifice
Die with dignity – love.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Troi Ghost - Art

In Troi Ghost, a dark, yet nearly transparent figure is featured as the painting’s subject. The figure has an ominous appearance, its dark shading and mysterious black mark creating a sense of apprehension in the viewer. The translucent nature of the figure’s body marks it as the ghost of the painting’s title. Though it has a forbidding appearance, the ghost is a beautiful figure, its graceful curves pleasing to the eye.
The black rectangle affixed to the front of the ghost’s body is a mysterious symbol. Its dark black color denotes some sinister nature, and evil boxed in for safekeeping only to be released to cause harm. Perhaps this is the ghost’s purpose, to release the evil held inside the pitch back box he holds. The ghost becomes a villainous figure, a harbinger of death and destruction, and a fearful apparition who holds a powerful force capable of great harm. Troi Ghost is a piece that may leave the viewer with an unexpected sense of apprehension.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Twolove Flowers - Art

This piece is a monochromatic painting focusing on the image of a cluster of fruit on the stem. The fruits, which appear to be cherries, are depicted in a single shade of purple. The cherries hang in the painting in a cluster of three from the top of the painting. The form of image merely suggests cherries. Only an outline of their shape is given, creating an impression that is not naturalistic, but rather quite surreal.
In fact, the cherries are painted in the color purple, an unusual color more befitting grapes. The cherries are an outline, a skeletal model for their true form. Though cherries are an everyday object, the painting’s treatment of this mundane item is remarkable and quite beautiful. The simple, strangely colored form found in the painting is a study in non-naturalistic depictions of ordinary objects.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Twolove Flowers - Poem
Love isn’t love without harm
Definition of which is truly unknown
Who picks the time and place?
Whom chooses the heart?
Inorganization flies in the face of accuracy
Do you trust what you see?
Do you see me?
One love
A gift for you from my heart
A lifted smile conveys me
I receive all
After all
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Definition of which is truly unknown
Who picks the time and place?
Whom chooses the heart?
Inorganization flies in the face of accuracy
Do you trust what you see?
Do you see me?
One love
A gift for you from my heart
A lifted smile conveys me
I receive all
After all
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Unruly Ocean - Poem
Pouring down through the lives of us
Waves crashing and pounding throughout
On earth’s river you find our souls
Crashing to be saved
The sound of power becomes you
Hear the crash
Feel the thunder
Amazing pace upon the beach
Lay back
The moon is rising again
The tsunami is coming
Wake up
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Waves crashing and pounding throughout
On earth’s river you find our souls
Crashing to be saved
The sound of power becomes you
Hear the crash
Feel the thunder
Amazing pace upon the beach
Lay back
The moon is rising again
The tsunami is coming
Wake up
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Unruly Ocean - Art

Unruly Ocean is a striking piece, an artistic work that has possesses both clarity and insight at its heart. As suggested by the painting’s title, the ocean depicted in this piece is indeed unruly. Its waves seem to go this way and that, moving cross-directionally to each other. While some of the lines suggest vertical movement across the painting, others move horizontally. The camber of the waves is also widely varied. The waves are at time sharply curved, while at other times they have a loose, relaxed bend. The tighter curvature of the waves gives an impression of higher energy, while the limber, lazy waves of the water suggest repose and a calmer sea.
This uncluttered painting has simple lines, yet its meaning is undeniably sophisticated. The ocean in the painting represents life, with all of its seemingly conflicting characteristics and experiences. Like the unruly ocean in the painting, life is at times full of energy and movement and at other times calm and tranquil. As the waves in the painting move in different directions, so can life take a sudden turn in a new direction, abandoning the old trajectory completely. Unruly Ocean is simple piece invites the viewer into deeper contemplation of the nature of life.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Crisis Mode - Poem
Calamities arise seldom in retrospect
They are created where least expected
Found when obvious
Dreaded when needed
Most definitely
Beyond the obvious
Seeking the easy answers
Delve into the possibilities of self
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
They are created where least expected
Found when obvious
Dreaded when needed
Most definitely
Beyond the obvious
Seeking the easy answers
Delve into the possibilities of self
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Crisis Mode - Art

Crisis Mode is a vibrant painting with dense color saturation. In this piece, three abstract figures huddle together, wrapping around each other in a posture that appears quite defensive. The suggestion of this image of the huddled figures is that this action is a common defense mechanism when a person is confronted with a crisis. During a crisis, people depend on one another, moving closer together in an effort to defend against danger. The huddled figures in the painting reflect the closeness that exists between people who experience a crisis together.
Each figure in this painting is a shown in a different color; orange, yellow, and blue are prominent colors in this piece. The many colors of these figures reveal that, during a crisis, divisions between different groups of people often disappear or are ignored. Differences in religious beliefs, political ideology and background vanish during a pressing crisis, a reality which is evocatively captured in Crisis Mode.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Friday, May 22, 2009
Dazed Drunk - Poem
Dazed Drunk
always in a haze
running away from your problems
fixated on the outward
nothing within
jealous of your neighbor
not concentrating on your treasures
speaking ill of the living
whilst living like the dead
put down the empty symbol
wake up to the possibilities
take control of yourself
manage your destiny
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
always in a haze
running away from your problems
fixated on the outward
nothing within
jealous of your neighbor
not concentrating on your treasures
speaking ill of the living
whilst living like the dead
put down the empty symbol
wake up to the possibilities
take control of yourself
manage your destiny
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Dazed Drunk - Art

In Dazed Drunk, a portrait is comically distorted to produce an amusing yet fascinating piece. The face in the painting is depicted with grossly distorted features. The nose is extraordinarily bulbous and large, and the eyes are set high on the face, appearing even to float somehow away from the surface of the face. An exaggerated mustache decorates the face, dominating the painting and concealing any expression the mouth may be making.
The figure does have the appearance of being drunken or dazed, as suggested by the title. The groggy appearance of the face in the portrait is primarily created by the slanted appearance and disproportionately small size of the face’s eyes. This gives an impression of sleepiness or lack of awareness. This painting is both humorous and visually appealing, making Dazed Drunk an effective and interesting piece that appeals to the viewer with a good sense of humor.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Easy Exit - Poem
simple solutions never come
effortless battles often disappoint
painless visions of success
causes uncomplicated consequences
trouble-free nights increase stability
while you wonder what comes next
take the road through troubled valleys
make your way beyond the mounted problems
difficult they may be
hard they will succumb
power is in the work
success is in the doing.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
effortless battles often disappoint
painless visions of success
causes uncomplicated consequences
trouble-free nights increase stability
while you wonder what comes next
take the road through troubled valleys
make your way beyond the mounted problems
difficult they may be
hard they will succumb
power is in the work
success is in the doing.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Easy Exit - Art

In Easy Exit, a simple red figure provides a beautiful, graceful focal point in a meaningful, evocative painting. The lines of this painting are quite simple and elegant. Graceful curves and a vibrant red color make this painting visually pleasing and rather calming to look at. Uncluttered and peaceful, this painting sweeps away the stress and clutter of the mind, offering viewers of this piece an “easy exit” from worries and stress through the contemplation of a truly beautiful, well proportioned work of art.
This painting is made up of a cluster of arcs that are overlapped to create an elegant, symmetrical design. The crossing of the arcs is skillful and provides a sense of order in this painting. The orderly arrangement of this piece is a welcome contrast to the hectic, frantic pace of the modern world. Easy Exit offers the viewer an escape into a world in which symmetry and orderly composition are the norm, providing welcome respite from the chaos of the universe.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Cultural Defense - Poem
Protect me
Protect us
Protect all
From what enemy
It is often within
Demons that need not speak
Anger that can’t be silenced
Helpless to challenge
Protection is guided by unity
Coveted by family
Increased by numbers
Broken only by the weak
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Protect us
Protect all
From what enemy
It is often within
Demons that need not speak
Anger that can’t be silenced
Helpless to challenge
Protection is guided by unity
Coveted by family
Increased by numbers
Broken only by the weak
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Cultural Defense - Art

Cultural Defense is a simple, abstract piece with a primarily yellow color scheme. In this piece, warm shades of yellow blend with pale orange to create a vision of heat and light. Streaks of yellow and orange move across the painting’s landscape, traveling in ray-like lines that evoke the sun’s light and heat. A set of three streaks on one side of the painting seems to be moving at a high speed, movement suggested by the graduated traveling arrangement of the three swatches of color.
These three streaks of color appear to be prepared to bombard the large yellow structure that occupies the center of the painting. This yellow section acts as a defense against the heat of the orange streaks preparing to strike, invoking the defense mentioned in this painting’s title. Cultural Defense is a compelling piece, suggestive of movement and impending impact, though it uses simple colors and patterns to create this effect.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Accidential Love
Accidental Love
fairy tales don’t lie
the smile in your eyes hide
they way you turn says hello
your glance embraces me
shall we walk hand in hand
your laughter echoes through me
take notice
I love you.
not enough words to express...this
easier to suppress our brief encounter
more than just a moment
a lifetime of memories
sitting by the fireplace
writing a letter
painting your face
composing a song
if I find a way
I just wanna be
my thoughts can't recover
from the lost one
and I....
Nobody's supposed to touch here
my heart won't open, even for you
I love you!
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
fairy tales don’t lie
the smile in your eyes hide
they way you turn says hello
your glance embraces me
shall we walk hand in hand
your laughter echoes through me
take notice
I love you.
not enough words to express...this
easier to suppress our brief encounter
more than just a moment
a lifetime of memories
sitting by the fireplace
writing a letter
painting your face
composing a song
if I find a way
I just wanna be
my thoughts can't recover
from the lost one
and I....
Nobody's supposed to touch here
my heart won't open, even for you
I love you!
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Webb
Blood Mountain - Art

Blood Mountain is an abstract piece painted in muted, natural tones. The mountain can be seen in the beige form that is a central focus of the piece. The blood is depicted in a rusty red shade that covers one side of the mountain’s image, and the blue of the sky is wrapped around the colorful mountain like a shroud. The forms in this painting are striking in their abstraction – it is as though the sky has been pulled around the mountain by some unseen hand, wrapping it snugly and protectively against some unknown threat.
The bloody mountain itself is a sinister image, calling to mind violence, injury, and death. The soil of the mountain is saturated in blood, making it the likely site of some battle or other act of violence. The sky in the painting represents nature as it attempts to ameliorate the pain of the mountain. The healing process after this violent act has begun, and nature reclaims the mountain, restoring peace.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Blood Mountain - Poem
of what earth does it derive?
down what path does it flow?
happiness, fate and sorrow
gleaming through the sad face
does it follow a beat?
does its' cries feel hollow?
sure dreams are tarnished
suppression counts on its' failure
from whince it came
my voice follows
Does the shallow cry feel my sorrow?
does the blood run yellow?
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
down what path does it flow?
happiness, fate and sorrow
gleaming through the sad face
does it follow a beat?
does its' cries feel hollow?
sure dreams are tarnished
suppression counts on its' failure
from whince it came
my voice follows
Does the shallow cry feel my sorrow?
does the blood run yellow?
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Monday, May 18, 2009
Carriers - Poem
your mysterious nature propels me to think
about what or whom is often ambiguous
thoughtful exposition often fails me
your particular magnetism cleverly follows
you're about as thoughtful as your predecessor
moving about hate as if it were water
There is time to continue a great path
find the right people to move us forward
challenge me to stop you
stop me
stop he
from hate.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
about what or whom is often ambiguous
thoughtful exposition often fails me
your particular magnetism cleverly follows
you're about as thoughtful as your predecessor
moving about hate as if it were water
There is time to continue a great path
find the right people to move us forward
challenge me to stop you
stop me
stop he
from hate.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Carriers - Art

Carriers is a bright, colorful painting that depicts the nature of disease and infection. In this piece, the background is a vibrant red, which is significant to the painting’s meaning. Red is the color of blood, indicating that the disease makes its home in the bloodstream. Yet red is also a color associated with danger and warning, and the red background also warns of the deadly nature of the disease depicted in this powerful painting.
The gray figure embedded in the bright red background is the disease itself. The gray figure seems to be pinching off somehow, as though it was captured just before dividing into two separate beings. This division represents the rapid reproduction of bacteria and viruses that cause infections and diseases. This rapid reproduction is the cause of the spread of the disease throughout the body, and Carriers captures this dangerous quality of disease in an alarming and compelling painting.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dark Monarch - Art

Dark Monarch. In this simple piece, the beauty of flight is captured with simple lines and a single, evocative color choice. The form in the painting is the image of a creature of flight, its wings outstretched as it soars through the air. The elegant mobility of the creature is captured in this piece, and one can almost feel the wind rushing past the flying form, rushing around its wings and body with an intense speed and a rushing noise that is almost deafening. This flying form is the only significant feature of this painting, which focuses on a single, central object soaring against a vacant background.
The monochromatic color scheme of this painting adds to its simplicity and elegance. The creature of flight in this piece is depicted in a beautiful shade of purple. Typically associated with royalty, purple gives the image in this painting a regal, commanding impression. Flight is a special privilege bestowed upon certain creatures, and in many ways, this gives birds and insects that fly a superior position, as though they are the royalty of this planet.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Dark Monarch - Poem
flight isn't inevitable
running comes easy to some
staying wins heart
fighting saves us all
running doesn't solve problems
staying may cause issues
fighting kindles spirits
flight beckons cowards
staying prepares the strong
fighting commands many
flight reduces power
running shows non-character
not flight
run to your family
stay your course
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
running comes easy to some
staying wins heart
fighting saves us all
running doesn't solve problems
staying may cause issues
fighting kindles spirits
flight beckons cowards
staying prepares the strong
fighting commands many
flight reduces power
running shows non-character
not flight
run to your family
stay your course
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Poet Tree
The Poet Tree - a stage play about a creative person that deals with traumatic issues through writing.
Drought - Poem
nothing can grow here
nothing can live here
you are not here
you can't stop here
persistence wins the the dry race
beyond thinking of ones self
seek out ones that thrive
give the drops of life
live if you must
grow if you can
believe in nothing
cry in jest
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
nothing can live here
you are not here
you can't stop here
persistence wins the the dry race
beyond thinking of ones self
seek out ones that thrive
give the drops of life
live if you must
grow if you can
believe in nothing
cry in jest
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Drought - Art

Drought is a dark and menacing painting that captures the consequences of a natural disaster, such as a drought. A dark, dense cloud dominates this piece, a negative symbol of pain and suffering. The black color of this cloud suggests evil and death, giving this painting a frightening mood. The darkness of this cloud is dense and forbidding, a representation of the dangers that accompany a drought or other natural disaster.
Droughts have brought death and suffering to mankind for centuries. Lack of water from rainfall brings discomfort and hunger, the death of essential crops, and widespread pain. This frightening piece captures the natural human fear of drought, this fear evoked in the form of a dark cloud. The use of a cloud to represent the hardship associated with drought is rather ironic. Clouds are associated with rain, and the use of a cloud to represent the drought is an interesting feature of the painting’s depiction. Drought is a complex painting that examines the nature of one of the most frightening natural disasters mankind can face.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Friday, May 15, 2009
Famed Tree - Poem
roots are grounded for a reason
reaching likely to the heavens
even more to the depths
for branches unknown
the birth of one
constitutes the life of many
if often we see
rightly to overlook the obvious
meander and stiffling
light is needed
darkness is hovering
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
reaching likely to the heavens
even more to the depths
for branches unknown
the birth of one
constitutes the life of many
if often we see
rightly to overlook the obvious
meander and stiffling
light is needed
darkness is hovering
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Famed Tree - Art

The warmth of the coral shade suggests heat and life, yet the tree in this painting seems to be old and faded by years. The tree has an eternal quality, the dull shades of the tree’s trunk and limbs a sign of many years, and the bright coral blossoms a sign of new life. These blossoms renew themselves year after year, and the tree is composed of both ancient and newly formed.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Alien Landing - Poem
From far away you came
steadily watching in angst
poised for dominance
practical in patience
Seeking new life
not to take over
to compliment
to heal
buried amongst non believers
open to the possibilities
able to be here
waiting for an invitation.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
steadily watching in angst
poised for dominance
practical in patience
Seeking new life
not to take over
to compliment
to heal
buried amongst non believers
open to the possibilities
able to be here
waiting for an invitation.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Alien Landing - Art

Alien Landing is a colorful piece that is at once both captivating and thought provoking. Featuring a complex design comprised of abstract shapes, this painting evokes a feeling of high energy and motion. A flurry of movement, this piece captures the strange excitement of an alien landing. The almost frantic energy of this painting creates a feeling of excitement combined with confusion and fear. This strange mix of excitement and fear is surely the emotional reaction that humanity would have upon learning of extraterrestrial life.
Discovery of the existence of life on other planets would be a disconcerting realization for humanity. Having operated for so long under the assumption that we are unique in the universe, this realization would completely change mankind’s perspective on human history. New discoveries, such as the possibility of liquid water elsewhere in the solar system and fossilized microbial life in Martian rock, present new challenges to humanity’s sense of identity.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blue River - Poem
Flowing through one's heart
making it's way beyond the stream
effortless movement embraced
seeing a complete symphony
through turns and toils to battle
through molecules and atoms reached
besieged by germs and errors
the body is unforgiving
Life depends on this river
life is of this river
mankind evolves in its dam
flow... no more... flow
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
making it's way beyond the stream
effortless movement embraced
seeing a complete symphony
through turns and toils to battle
through molecules and atoms reached
besieged by germs and errors
the body is unforgiving
Life depends on this river
life is of this river
mankind evolves in its dam
flow... no more... flow
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Blue River - Art

In Blue River, the meander lines of a river are exaggerated in an abstract piece that is visually compelling and evocative of the nature of a flowing body of water. Rather than the naturally occurring gentle curves that can be seen in the path of a river, the figure in the painting has curves that are quite drastic and sharp, causing the river to contort in strange and provocative ways. This river turns unexpectedly, winding across the painting in an unnatural, yet captivating, shape.
The blue color that comprises the monochromatic color scheme of this painting evokes the cool qualities of the water. This particular shade of blue is light and airy, the pale blue of a clear river in the sunshine. This strange river still captures the familiar feelings associated with river – cool water, sunshine, and natural beauty. Blue River’s abstract depiction of a river changes the viewer’s perception, yet brings to mind recognizable feelings from real-life experiences with rivers in the natural world.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
brilliant idea
I had this wonderful futuristic idea for a screenplay. Since I have absolutely nothing to do for the next four days. I'm going to write it. Watch out Star Trek --- although I'm not gonna blow up anything.
Confused Much - Poem
through all the happiness
behind the smiles
under the madness
over the vile
hides your confusion
about your past
waiting to deliver
the truth...
at last
reveal the destination
that you crave to uncover
and share the love
you dared to discover
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
behind the smiles
under the madness
over the vile
hides your confusion
about your past
waiting to deliver
the truth...
at last
reveal the destination
that you crave to uncover
and share the love
you dared to discover
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Confused Much - Art

Confused Much is a cleverly titled piece that invokes the nature of the human mind and its thought processes. The confusion alluded to in the title is depicted by a circular, swirling image that is the focus of this piece. The circular shape of this image suggests the circular patterns that human thought often assumes. Thought patterns in the human mind rarely progress in a purely linear fashion. Rather, thoughts more often loop back to previous ideas, referencing and drawing connections in a circular pattern.
The green color of the circular thoughts acts as a judgment upon the nature of this confusion. Green is a color typically associated with nature and all natural things. Therefore, the green color scheme of this painting suggests that this confused state of affairs is indeed a normal, everyday feature of human life. The human mind is a fascinating, often confusing phenomenon, yet this confusion is not a cause for concern, but rather a natural reality of life.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Monday, May 11, 2009
Broken Sun - Art

In Broken Sun, the catastrophic end of our solar system is depicted in an unusual color scheme and freeform shapes. The death of our planet is shown in the exploding, bleeding image of a green orb destroyed by the red-hot energy surrounding it. This red background represents the expansion of the sun as it dies, turning into a red giant that engulfs the defenseless plants around it.
The green color of the circle that is the focus of this painting represents life on this planet, its life-force oozing out as if bleeding. The energy of the expanding sun will destroy the solar system, incinerating nearby planets and all life in this solar system. Broken Sun is a disturbing image of the frighteningly inevitable fate of our sun and solar system.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Broken Sun - Poem
Rays are abundant
warmth that expresses growth
heat that helps the soul
boiling thoughts that never cease
passion derived comes forth
with extreme fervor
and complete ardor
intensity ripens with every stare
Like brush strokes across the sky
a continuum not needed
spaces are needed for growth
not to shine
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
warmth that expresses growth
heat that helps the soul
boiling thoughts that never cease
passion derived comes forth
with extreme fervor
and complete ardor
intensity ripens with every stare
Like brush strokes across the sky
a continuum not needed
spaces are needed for growth
not to shine
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hidden Earth - Poem
From whince you came
beneath the sky
duvergebt from above
lapsed in time
hallowed in cause
desperate for effect
justified in its absense
malnurished inside
for cause it will succeed
from beneath divergent lives
hallowed & desperate inside
hidden always
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
beneath the sky
duvergebt from above
lapsed in time
hallowed in cause
desperate for effect
justified in its absense
malnurished inside
for cause it will succeed
from beneath divergent lives
hallowed & desperate inside
hidden always
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Hidden Earth - Art

In Hidden Earth, abstract forms appear embedded in the surrounding green earth, a hidden treasure secreted away for someone to find one day. The earth itself is represented in the green background that dominates this piece. A color associated with vegetation and life, the green shade in this painting reflects the living earth, with its many secrets and mysteries.
Abstract figures lie embedded in this field of green, suggesting the secrets that the earth conceals just below its surface. Valuable minerals and natural resources often lie buried beneath the earth, making this a potential subject for the painting. Plant life also hides beneath the surface of the earth before emerging later on, making another hidden secret waiting to come forth from beneath the surface.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Every day is mother's day!
""★¯`'•.¸(¯`'•. ¸*★★*¸. •'´¯)¸.•' ´¯) ★(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•. ¸*♥♥*¸. *♥* ★*SPRINKELS OF LOVE TO ALL THE MOTHERS------HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY *★ ´(_¸.•'♥ *¸ ♥(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´*♥*`' •.¸_)`'•. ¸_)★(_¸.•'´(_¸. •'´*★★ *`'• .¸_)`'•.¸".".
Dynasty - Art

Dynasty is a monochromatic piece that features a simple figure that resembles a character that is a part of some Eastern language. The lines are crisp and neat, and the angles of the figure are sharp and clear. This piece immediately evokes an Eastern mood, calling to mind the many ancient and modern cultures of Asia, from language to religion to cuisine. Yet his painting primarily concerns itself with a single feature of this culture – the dynastic cycle.
The dynastic cycle is a pattern of historical events that has unfolded in a circular fashion in Eastern history. The pattern of the dynastic cycle is always the same. First, a dynasty rises to power by overthrowing the previous, corrupt dynasty. The new dynasty rules for some time, eventually becoming corrupt. The completion of the cycle occurs when the dynasty is overthrown by another new dynasty, bringing the empire full circle. Dynasty is a thought-provoking piece that examines this important feature of Eastern culture and history.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Dynasty - Poem
Building on beauty
growing unfertiled
seizing opportunity
road to adulthood
building my future
growing your life
seizing dreams
road forward
Alas you are here
welcomed by all
destined to achieve
to build your road
your entrance
your growing
your life
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
growing unfertiled
seizing opportunity
road to adulthood
building my future
growing your life
seizing dreams
road forward
Alas you are here
welcomed by all
destined to achieve
to build your road
your entrance
your growing
your life
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Friday, May 8, 2009
Flor de Julia - Art

Flor de Julia is a haunting and evocative portrait that depicts a cluster of beautiful, slender flowers. The red and black color scheme has a bleak mood, evoking grief and sadness. This melancholy image of flowers growing against a spare, stark white background gives a glimpse of the nature of death and the grieving process. These flowers, with their drab black stalks and leaves, evoke images of death and the grave. Perhaps growing near the headstone of the deceased Julia, these flowers seem to be in mourning themselves.
Yet the flowers themselves continue to bloom. The blossoms are vibrant, their red color evoking heat and life. Life goes on in the face of death. Though the flowers mourn, they continue to perform the processes of life and reproduction. Grief and sorrow may remain, but they will fade with time, particularly in the face of the growth of new life. Flor de Julia is a sad and beautiful piece that captures the nature of grief.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Flor de Julia - Poem
Because words are not enought
to grow the heart
from within
in time
Because love isn't enough
to hold a heart
Because hurt can't be repaired
to mend a heart
a time
a chance
a gesture
a flower
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
to grow the heart
from within
in time
Because love isn't enough
to hold a heart
Because hurt can't be repaired
to mend a heart
a time
a chance
a gesture
a flower
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Eclipsed Fear - Art
This piece is drawn with broad, strong strokes, using a single color to create a striking image of a linked triad of circles. The image is skillfully blended, the edges blurring to create a feeling of inconstancy in the piece, as though it might melt away at any moment. The circles are placed at the end of linear extensions that emanate from the painting’s center, its source of power. The circles share the focus with a trio of faded lines, reasserting the importance of the number three in the painting.
The number three is often associated with mystery and religion. For example, the Trinity is an important concept for Christianity. The charcoal images in this painting appear in sets of three, indicating a powerful, mystical meaning for this painting. The unusual figure depicted in this piece captivates the viewer, drawing him or her into further consideration of this strange and almost unidentifiably mysterious image.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Eclipsed Fear - Poem
your likeness to ignorance
overshadowed by desperation
your thought without thinking
notwithstanding diversions
careless interest in life
leaps from the pits of danger
jointly taking responsibility
for yourself
darkened dreams call
lapsed judgement revealed
my reality
my execution
my failure
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
overshadowed by desperation
your thought without thinking
notwithstanding diversions
careless interest in life
leaps from the pits of danger
jointly taking responsibility
for yourself
darkened dreams call
lapsed judgement revealed
my reality
my execution
my failure
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
So I am almost a week into my quest to post a poem and a painting everyday for a year. I'm feeling extremely creative and enthusiastic about the work I've produced. While I was out today, I was actively listening in on conversations that people were having. It is halarious when you don't know what the person on the other end of the phone is saying. So the entire conversation is left to your imagination. Makes for great material for plays and such.... any who...gonna go make some dinner.
Barricades - Poem
drowning in your own fear
afraid to succeed
letting old stones pave your road
lights are seen
beyond your present scope
eyes are open
open yours
fair to make it
required to break it
the cycle
of failure
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
afraid to succeed
letting old stones pave your road
lights are seen
beyond your present scope
eyes are open
open yours
fair to make it
required to break it
the cycle
of failure
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Barricades - Art

Barricades is a dark painting with a menacing mood and a strong sense of impending danger. The fearsome and foreboding nature of this painting suggests the nature of the barricades depicted in this painting. Barriers can have devastating effects on people, particular social barriers that divide and create hostility. This is certainly the type of barricade alluded to in the painting’s title.
The monochromatic black color scheme adds to the dangerous mood of the painting. A color typically associated with evil and death, black fills the frame of this painting in broad, sinister strokes. Barricades is an ominous piece that produces an immediate visceral reaction of fear in the viewer, evoking the nature of barriers and their negative effects on mankind.
The monochromatic black color scheme adds to the dangerous mood of the painting. A color typically associated with evil and death, black fills the frame of this painting in broad, sinister strokes. Barricades is an ominous piece that produces an immediate visceral reaction of fear in the viewer, evoking the nature of barriers and their negative effects on mankind.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Production Companies

Sometimes when you want something done, you really, really have to entertain the thought of doing it yourself. So, I have this idea of starting an Indie production company. When do I have time to squeeze in another 15 hours into my week to get this done?
Doesn't matter. I'll add it to an existing company. Yeah...I said it and now I'm gonna do it. I have the wonderful idea for a web based series. Gotta start somewhere, I can't spend my money trying to buy a cable channel. LOL
Alien Evolution - Poem
self discovery begins....
back to the original scales of life
one atom
one mind
characteristic of non beings
made in your own image
from what original?
displaying genes in absence
questioning science in a symbolic nature
journeying to find the right substance
duplicate madness
preserve oneness
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
back to the original scales of life
one atom
one mind
characteristic of non beings
made in your own image
from what original?
displaying genes in absence
questioning science in a symbolic nature
journeying to find the right substance
duplicate madness
preserve oneness
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Alien Evolution - Art

In Alien Evolution, creation and evolution, two major aspects of life in this universe, are explored in elegant, freeform images. A strange, evocative image of an unknown creature winds its way up the painting, and a vibrant teal square, outlined in black, occupies the painting’s frame along with the creature. This little square of color is a representation of the elements in the environment conducive to life’s evolution – water, oxygen, and nutrients. Only when these important elements are present can life begin to emerge on any planet.
The shape of the creature itself is quite interesting. Though its fan-like shape and wiggling tail are foreign to the eyes upon first viewing, like some strange alien creature from another planet, closer inspection reveals some similarities to many life forms found on our own planet. For example, long, whip like tails are found in many simple organisms, and the strangely shaped head of the creature is strangely familiar, calling to mind images of jellyfish and other sea creatures. Alien Evolution is an evocative painting that examines the similar conditions that might exist both on our own planet, as well as those in far-off galaxies.
The shape of the creature itself is quite interesting. Though its fan-like shape and wiggling tail are foreign to the eyes upon first viewing, like some strange alien creature from another planet, closer inspection reveals some similarities to many life forms found on our own planet. For example, long, whip like tails are found in many simple organisms, and the strangely shaped head of the creature is strangely familiar, calling to mind images of jellyfish and other sea creatures. Alien Evolution is an evocative painting that examines the similar conditions that might exist both on our own planet, as well as those in far-off galaxies.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Overheard - in the library
This woman is sitting at the computer terminal shaking her head while reading something on the screen. She says, "Stupid computers don't know anything."
Monday, May 4, 2009
Alien Garden - Art

Alien Garden is a vibrant piece composed of several solid, highly saturated blocks of color. Colors that feature prominently in this painting include pink, yellow, royal blue, purple, beige, and black. The deep vibrancy of the colors is immediately apparent upon first viewing of the painting. The colors of the painting are in clear focus, and the edges of the color blocks are distinct and well formed. The beautiful colors of this piece are visually appealing and emotionally stimulating to the viewer.
The shape of these patches of color is also important to note. The colors are not formed into angular blocks or squares, but rather curving arches of color and narrow points dominate this piece. These colors are paired quite effectively, warm colors juxtaposed against cool, such as the embedment of a bright pink in a field of black and vibrant yellow embedded in cool blue. The pairing of the complementary colors gives each color a brighter, more compelling appearance by the juxtaposition of opposite qualities of color.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
To wipe away a tear...
Do you give 100%

This equation should be taught in all math classes . From a strictly
mathematical viewpoint it goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about
those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to
those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about
achieving 103%? What makes up 100% ! in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer ! these
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% !
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
A ND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that WhileHard work and
Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the
Bullshit and Ass k! issing that will put you over the top.
mathematical viewpoint it goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about
those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to
those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about
achieving 103%? What makes up 100% ! in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer ! these
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% !
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
A ND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that WhileHard work and
Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the
Bullshit and Ass k! issing that will put you over the top.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Daily update 05/03/2009
So this weekend has been very good for me. I'm still working on my still unamed quatrant art project. I've finished 2 sections. I need to go to the art store and pick up more acrylic paint. I think that I will challenge myself and also do a song... or rather hooks to match the paintings and the poems.
I must be truly bored, so I will start working on that tomorrow.
Fear as a Sickness - Poem
Conflicted by guilt
Apprehensive about forgiveness
Dueling subjects caught...
forbidden fear.
Allowable accusations mount
inside obstacles surpass
Open to the right consciousness
oblivious to the obvious
Turn your fate upward
onward creating a vision
politely silencing critics
believing in oneself.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Apprehensive about forgiveness
Dueling subjects caught...
forbidden fear.
Allowable accusations mount
inside obstacles surpass
Open to the right consciousness
oblivious to the obvious
Turn your fate upward
onward creating a vision
politely silencing critics
believing in oneself.
Copyright © 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Fear as a Sickness -Art
The red color scheme in this painting reflects the human body. Red is the color of blood, and the use of this color in the painting suggests the painting’s concern with health, a concern that is also reflected in the painting’s title. The red, blood-like background is contaminated with brown spots. Brown is often associated with deterioration or rotting. The brown splotches interspersed in the blood-red background indicate the contamination of human mental and –physical health by fear and worry.
Copyright ©2008-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Massachusetts's 8th district
Tell them what you want them to know. |
Agressive Agenda - Poem
Superiority complexes arise amidst shame
playing the game
failing to compensate for loss wisdom
participating freedom...more strife
Plaguing yourself and theirs
Stealing the vagueness of your soul
Challenging your mind to move forward
clarity still further....steadily
amidst shame
life becomes
loss wisdom
their souls move forward
do you hear me?
is change.
Copyright ©2008-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
playing the game
failing to compensate for loss wisdom
participating freedom...more strife
Plaguing yourself and theirs
Stealing the vagueness of your soul
Challenging your mind to move forward
clarity still further....steadily
amidst shame
life becomes
loss wisdom
their souls move forward
do you hear me?
is change.
Copyright ©2008-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Aggressive Agenda - Art

Aggressive Agenda is an abstract piece painted in a soothing, pastel color scheme. The cool colors of this painting stand in contrast to the anger and aggression suggested by the title of this piece. This contrast is suggestive of the aggressive and self-serving agendas that can often be masked in good intentions. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the most sinister motives are often masked in beauty and goodwill. The disparity between the beautiful, relaxing colors of this piece and the aggression mentioned in the title calls attention to this aspect of the human condition.
The abstract figure that is the focus of this painting evokes the aggression mentioned in the title. The figure is monolithic, its colors aligning to create a single, dense shape. The density and color saturation of this freeform shape increases at the center, giving the impression of rage and aggression emanating from a single, central point. The nature of aggression is examined closely in Aggressive Agenda, a complex and engaging piece.
Copyright ©2008-2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
Friday, May 1, 2009
Daily update 05/01/2009
Today wasn't entirely creative for me. I was able to list one poem and one painting -- I am happy I got through the first day of my goal to post one painting and one new poem each day for one year. Daunting I know. Anywho--- all this and still trying to finish my latest art masterpiece.
A Just Royalty - Poem
Falling blindly towards wealth
round the hearts and wallets of men
thy strangness tells of worth
not thoughtfully know to all
In false hopes of future wellness
seeps dreams of distant chaos
leave thy goods behind
knowingly trust yourself.
Copyright 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
round the hearts and wallets of men
thy strangness tells of worth
not thoughtfully know to all
In false hopes of future wellness
seeps dreams of distant chaos
leave thy goods behind
knowingly trust yourself.
Copyright 2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
I am working on this techo-new wave music stuff and it would help if some lyrics would come out soon. I will work on it tonight. I think. blah.
A Just Royalty - Art

This piece is primarily a monochromatic painting in purple, though there is a hint of blue here and there. The figure in the painting is abstract in form, though it is mildly suggestive of a seated human figure, the straight line in the bottom half of the painting representing a seat. The figure’s top half arcs upward and is completed with another strong, straight purple line. The painting’s figure has very graceful lines, and it seems almost delicate.
Purple is a color often associated with royalty, and the figure’s similarity to a seated figure suggests that it may be an image of nobility seated upon a throne. The painting’s delicate lines and purple color suggest refinement and elegance, perhaps befitting some royal personage. This painting’s overall impression and mood is one of dignified grace and beauty.
Copyright ©2009 Claretta Taylor Webb
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